

Warehouse employees engaging with labour union representative

The Best Way to Engage With Your Labour Union

Teamsters 987 business agents know the ins and outs of not only the union but also your industry workplace. They can advocate for you and negotiate on your behalf, affecting real change in your workplace. When problems arise, they support your Shop Steward in reviewing the facts and then engage with your employer to settle the dispute. There are instances when you should contact your business agent and others where it is recommended to go an alternate route.


When you should contact your labour union business agent:

If you need expert advice

If you need advice on a workplace issue, your business agent can help. Your business agent understands how the union and your industry workplace operate. They will be able to offer you the best advice on how to proceed.

If you’re having issues with your Shop Steward

Our Shop Stewards play an essential role in our union. They are trained to listen to your concerns and work to resolve them. Because of the training our Shop Stewards receive, we rarely see conflicts between union members and their Shop Steward. But in the rare case that conflict arises, get in touch with your business agent.


When you shouldn’t contact your labour union business agent:

If you’re thinking of filing a grievance

If you’re thinking of filing a grievance, your Shop Steward is the first person you should go to. Although our business agents do get involved in the process of filing grievances, Shop Stewards are the go-to person to get the process started. If a Shop Steward needs help or has any further questions, then the steward would contact a business agent.

If you have general union questions

If you have questions about your member benefits, you want to know more about filing a grievance, or you want to stay up-to-date on what’s happening with Teamsters 987, you can contact our Calgary or Edmonton office, visit our Members Hub, or follow us on Facebook.

If you’re experiencing administration issues

If you have any problems with accessing information online or receiving emails, please contact our Calgary or Edmonton office. Our office staff will be happy to help you.


Our Business Agents are all experienced Teamsters Union 987 members and have extensive experience organizing workplaces. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with your Business Agent. They are here to serve you and can provide valuable insights into the system, along with answering any specific questions you may have about organizing your workplace.

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